Did Man Create God?


Are the sacred books literally true?


    Many of the most problematic aspects of religion, especially religious fundamentalism, stem from the assumption that the scared texts such as the Bible and the Qur’an are the direct word of God and thus every word is literally true. The alternative view espoused in this book is that all the sacred books were written by human beings who sought to provide their followers with myths, rules and rituals to live by and to form the basis of their religions. [p597]

    Historical evidence shows that both the Old and the New Testament were written or re-rewritten by early Christian propagandists. In addition, there are hundreds of inconsistencies in the Bible. That is not inerrancy. Some of its stories cannot possibly be physically or historically true. That is not inerrancy. Both historically and logically Occam’s razor suggests that the poetic and inspirational verses of the Bible and other Holy Books were written by poetic and inspirational humans.

    …Over the course of their time on earth, humans have produced 100,000 different religions. God would have been better served with a “one for all, all for one religion.” This clearly suggests this plethora of religions and Gods were all produced by a plethora of different humans to suit their needs at the time.

    With man as author of the Theory of God and writing the Holy Books as metaphors for rules to live by, the rationale for all fundamentalist beliefs that are based on the literal inerrancy of these texts disappears and with it all of the attendant reasons for religious wars, intolerance and terrorism. [p603]

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